airtel is providing internet service via mobile phones..called net on phone.
for Rs.375/month u can have unlimited access to the net...
i am also using one!
PROBLEM: every time when your validity period is over the gprs connection gets disconnected.after recharging it takes nearly 30-36 hours to reactivate the service.they say that "normally" it takes 24 hrs time reactivate the service!
i would lik to share my experience when i call customer care(?) executive....
when i describe the above problem the CCE just keeps on telling only one sentence"your gprs facility will be activated in 24 hrs sir"
i was once confused whether i am talking to an automated reply voice.
even if i call cce after 36 hrs of recahrging for net ,cce has the same answer for me....!
i wanted to clear the problem and sent a mail to airtel customer service.....!
there also i am just getting similar reply...but it is automated reply e mail....i know that.
so what's the point?
my questions-
what exactly is the role of CCE?.......a substitute to automated response?
if reactivation takes 24 hours "normally" , how do they manage to disconnect the service exactly when the validity period ends?people! they dont even allow a millisecond excess!
when the customer service e mail is generating only automated responses...what is the logic in having such a service?
any one out there who has got answers for my Q.s?
i feel this is the fate of a consumer in india!!!!
u can correlate with the picture above!
1 comment:
Airtel may provide good service. But it amazes me how they manage to find the most dumbest of morons to be their CCEs
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