Friday, May 29, 2009


We have openings for MBBS doctors with 2 years of clinical experience in medical wards AFTER registration. 
Openings are at various private hospitals in UAE. 
Job details are:
Starting Salary: 110,000 INR/month
Accommodation: 1 bedroom apartment provided by hospital

Please send us your resume, medical registration certificate as well as your passport pages and get in touch with us if you are interested in the position.
2 years of experience after registration is very important for the position. Doctors with experience in non-clinical setting (pharma industry/clinical trails etc) need not apply. 
Doctors will have to clear a written exam in Abu Dhabi. The next exam date is July 4th 2009. All exam expenses will be borne by the hospital EXCEPT the airfare. The airfare will also be reimbursed back to you once you clear the exam and join the hospital. Airfare should be between Rs15,000-Rs20,000 to/fro from India-Abu Dhabi. 
We DO NOT charge you any service fee for our services.
Warm regards,
Saru Tumuluri
+91 (80) 42118103 (India/Bangalore office)
+91 9740511775 (India Mobile)