Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the numbers 1 2 3 4.... we write are made up of arabic algorithms(roman algorithms--I II II IV)

the Arabs popularised these algorithms but the origin goes back to phenecian merchants that used them to count.

have you ever thought why one is 1, two is 2,three is3....and so on??
here it is.....

Sunday, February 14, 2010


it is shameful and surprising and sad to know how law deals with road traffic accidents!!these inadequacies were not found suddenly today!!it has been on the "lawbook"for years!
but who is bothered until you as a person get affected by an RTA!
public are too involved in their daily chores to think about it...as usual with a mentality that "someday somebody"will set things right!
police have many other things to worry about!
i dont want to say about politicians!they are too busy developing the nation....to waste their time in thinking about this!
will the judicial system make a retrospective view on this??
MY LORD.........WHO IS BOTHERED ABOUT the innocent common man???
this piece of info is because of my concern fofr the innocent common public man!!!

Killer Driver

thanks to
DECCAN CHRONICLE FEB 15 2010 chennai edition
thanks DC for such an thought provoking article!!